Direct marketing merchants typically have a hard time finding traditional credit card processing due to some past misdeeds by those in the direct marketing industry.
Direct marketing merchants have been classified as high risk by most domestic processors because of the industry's past tendencies to display fraudulent company information and the tendency to use rather underhanded business practices when dealing with customers.
Direct marketing has taken such a blow that in early 2025, Mastercard even announced a crackdown on non-compliant merchant accounts. As long as you meet the following criteria, we can help you get a direct marketing merchant account: has partnered with a wide network of domestic USA banks, domestic merchant providers, usa credit card processors and overseas offshore processors who specialize in high risk industries such as this.
Fill out the form below to have a high-risk specialist call you with more information on how we can help you get a merchant account for your business.
Fill out the form below and a high risk merchant account specialist will contact you to help you start accepting credit cards in a matter of hours. You can also apply online.